Press T and B to enable TRUE PIXEL MODE

64 Pixels is a tiny Platformer that's meant to be played on a 8x8 resolution.

By default the game is scaled up and you're only allowed to see 64 pixels at a time, but you can enable True Pixel Size which will make every in-game pixel a single pixel on your screen.

Of course, some people may consider this "unplayable" on a high resolution monitor. That's why this feature is optional.

Keyboard Controls:

- WASD / Arrows: Move
- Space: Jump (hold for higher jump)

Controller Controls:

- D-Pad / Left Stick: Move
- A / Cross: Jump

Other Controls:

- F: Fullscreen
- T: True Pixel Size
- B: Transparent Background
- 1, 2, 3: Master volume controls
- 4, 5, 6: Music volume controls
- Shift + R: Load level 1
- N: Next music track
- V: Toggle vSync
- Escape: Quit

If you like this game please consider checking out my other games and maybe support me on Ko-fi


64 Pixels Windows 87 MB
64 Pixels Linux 80 MB


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Pretty fun, good level design, did a lot with so few pixels/mechanics!

Thank you!